Sarah Poole - Business Strategist and Coach

Hi There!
I’m Sarah.


Founders Helped


Years in Business


Business Ideas Daily

business strategist, Coach & Entrepreneur.

My passion for helping business owners navigate their journey comes from a deep understanding of what it’s like to be in the trenches - at every stage of business.

From the early days of start-up, through to building national teams and refining strategy through growth, I have more than two decades of first hand experience at the helm of business.

Over many years as an entrepreneur and business owner, I have worked extremely hard to build a personal resilience toolkit alongside my business resilience toolkit.

Together we will craft the business-life that fires you up and gives you the joy, space, and creativity to replenish when you’re not on the tools.

Let’s do life a little differently…

Sarah Poole - Business Strategist and Coach for Female Founders

My Story

Sarah Poole - Business Strategist & Business Coach

My entrepreneurial journey started with building a professional services business of more than 60 staff across Australia & New Zealand that sold in 2017. I then co-founded and launched a women's health platform, helped a Shark Tank start-up expand across the country within 12 months, and more recently I co-founded and launched a Craft Brewery.

In amongst this motivated madness, my passion for business led me to start One Fine Day, a business strategy consultancy that helps owners and executives navigate the crazy world of business…

Coaching for a national Entrepreneurship program, and a national Tourism & Business program, I have had the opportunity to help hundreds of women in business and I have recognised a common theme. Successful female entrepreneurs hold way more than their share of the load and are extremely driven and capable - often at the compromise of their own health and wellbeing.

I have sat on numerous Boards in both the private and Not-for-Profit sectors, and have won a swag of business awards.

I relocated from Melbourne to a gorgeous small town on the north coast of NSW with my family, and I love the beach, travel, live music, and I have a soft spot for almond croissants…

The pathway to unreasonable success.

Your GREATEST Asset in Business is YOU!

With more than 20+ years in business, I have created a unique methodology that encompasses personal and business well-being for unreasonable business success.

Sarah Poole - Business Strategist & Coach

01// Reflect

Taking the time to assess where things are in business and life, honoring where you are in your journey, and getting crystal clear on where you want to go. Without clarity, we are simply going through the motions and hoping for the best.

02// Renew

Ensuring that your personal well-being foundation is solid and that you have created a toolkit that works for you, when and where you need it most. This may prove to be your biggest competitive advantage.

03// Refocus

Now that you are crystal clear on your destination, and you have a personal well-being plan to support the journey, we will dive right into your business strategy and refocus key elements for unreasonable success. We will align business and personal goals in a way that works for you, and supports the life you want.

04// Reignite

This phase is all about getting it done. Reignite is our Signature Program and also refers to the emphasis on action and momentum in everything we do. Words and plans are nothing without the activity to back them up.

Let’s reignite your business-life starting today.